Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Today, let's appreciate a true musical genius...Weird Al Yankovic.

I have always been a fan of Weird Al. That is why I was overjoyed to discover he has new videos out! One is called "White and Nerdy," and I think it was inspired by Bill Gates:

And as we prepare to polka-round Oktoberfest, who could resist a good polka? Not us here at the Peak! Leederhosen on! Here's Weird Al's "Polkarama!"

It gives new meaning to the idea of "Remix!" And it makes me want to get down and get funky. In fact, that is what I am doing right now. He has a new album out and plenty of new videos as well!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

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by karabishop

I voted today and was very tickled with the "write-in" option, so I wrote in Steve Douglas for mine inspector. I don't think Steve would make a good mine inspector at all. I just wrote it in thinking maybe he would win if we got enough people to write it in. So write-in Steve Douglas for mine inspector on your ballots today! Don't tell him either; if he wins, I want it to be a surprise. Just picture Steve's face on this guy's neck:

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by lilolewine

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

How I spent my summer vacation:

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It didn't have room service and Steve Douglas kept stealing my beer! But during my time at Lake Pleasant this summer, I got to get back to nature while trying out my new boat. Now that I'm back from my holiday, I will be focused on putting you on my Peak Payroll. I can assure you, you've never had a boss like me before! I'll pay you $125 an hour to not do a dang thing. And how much is your boss paying you now and to do what, may I ask...Am I prying? I've been told I'm nosy sometimes.