OK, I was at the Olympic Gift Shop here in Torino today. Just looking for a few gifts for the Kids back at The PEAK. It was quite the adventure...Here's what I bought for who...
Scott Drake...A Collector Spoon of Wyoming, it's amazing you can get those here
Mary Reilly...A jug of Wesson Olive Oil...the best Olive Oil comes from Italy
Steve Douglas...A set of Holiday Inn Towels
Monica Nelson...A Platex Baby Rattle
Mini Salas...Some delicious Salsa from Mexican Restaurant in Italy
Joel...A Mercedes key chain...the Italian's make a great car
Anthony the web guy...An Autographed Baseball from Luis Gonzales...pricey but nice
For myself...a solid gold Cow Bell...NICE!!
I'll be back in Phoenix in a few days...so, clean up the mess.