Monday, March 05, 2007

It’s the Monday morning weekend-hangover edition of One Liner News. If you’re hung over from the weekend today, this could serve you even better than the hair of the dog that bit you.

Teens Accused of Making Ostrich Impotent
…Gustav the ostrich was never the same after being forced to watch hours of Ann Coulter video.

Nudists Sweat it Out at Dutch Gym
…this could give new meaning to “little Dutch boy.”

Twenty-five years ago today, John Belushi died
…no one has come along with a good zit-popping joke since.

Seven Helpful Tips to Immediately Increase Your Confidence
…1) Look in the mirror, realize you aren’t scrawny, mean Ann Coulter and feel really good.

The wiseacre comments listed in One Liner News do not reflect the views of the Peak Staff or its advertisers and wealthy benefactors – Peakerman included. We actually have no idea who writes this stuff or how it gets on our blog. But if it helps you waste your boss’s broadband connection, then it’s all good.


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